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When it comes to children’s ministry, we know that kids thrive when they are given age-specific programs that are both fun and educational. PowerZone is a safe and fun place where kids love to come, week after week, and learn about Jesus and God’s amazing plan for their life. Our desire is to connect with each child in a way that they will see Jesus through our genuine love and care, and be radically changed for God. At PowerZone, we also place a vital focus on forming a partnership with parents in order to develop an encouraging and supportive foundation that will help them in guiding their child in Christ. 

Sunday- 11:00am

Catalyst Kids is a Christian based, character building, Boys and Girls Club focused on changing lives one child at a time. In this program we learn Bible scripture and parables from Jesus and apply them to our life today. We learn about up to date topics of concern such as: peer pressure, attitude is everything, morals, conduct and instincts, prayer, survival, fitness, resolving conflict, missions and having a servants heart, child care, the Holy Spirit, understanding God’s word, taming the tongue, self-discipline, integrity, friendship, and many more units of interest.

Our goal is for every girl and boy in the program to understand God’s will in their lives and to have their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We want them to become leaders of men and followers of Christ. The program gives them the confidence they need to become effective leaders in a nation so desperately in need of Christian guidance and fellowship. 
Wednesday- 7:05pm